Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Confession: I am Intimidated by Women

Looking for the Queen Bee Designs giveaway?  Scroll down or click here.

This may sound surprising to women who know me, but the truth is... I am intimidated by other women.  

Aren't most of us?  

I mean, isn't most of what we do an attempt to impress other women?  
If we're honest, don't we dress to impress other women, and not really for the men in our lives?

Give me a room full of men, and I will walk right in and join a conversation.  In a room full of women... I will desperately look for someone familiar, then stand in the corner talking to that one girl all night.  

Maybe that is why I never joined a sorority in college.  
In fact, I was a little sister to a fraternity!  

Men don't scare me. 
Sometimes, women scare me.

So here's the kicker.  I agreed to be the emcee at our church's women's retreat this year.

And by "I agreed" I mean that Brooke said yes for the both of us while I was on the operating table.

The good news is that I love these women.  
I know many of them.  
I know they will love me even if I can't be as funny as they expect.  
Plus, I will have Brooke standing next to me, and she is my security blanket.

The other day we met with Lori, our Fearless Leader, to discuss the plans for the retreat, and she was telling us that we still have several spots to fill.  This surprised me because we have an amazing women's ministry at our church and there are hundreds of women involved.  Why are we having trouble filling 190 spots?

You know why... because if people like me are intimidated by other women, then people who are less outgoing are probably petrified of other women!  But I have been to enough women's retreats to tell you that they are the place to find safety in other women.

Now it's time for a little Crossline shout out.

If you live in the Southern California area, or are looking for a reason to visit {it's beautiful here people}, I would love to invite you to the Crossline Women's Retreat. 
It is June 4th - 6th (that's in two weeks).
It's at the Murrieta Hot Springs Conference Center {that's right... hot springs}.
You will get to see Brooke and me make fools of ourselves on stage.
You will get to listen to one of the most amazing speakers I have ever heard, Lysa TerKeurst.
You will get to relax, eat, sleep {maybe a little}, laugh and cry with some wonderful women who shouldn't intimidate you.
You will have a weekend to yourself.
And I promise to sit with you at a meal {see... now you don't have that excuse}.

If you're thinking about it... stop.  Just go here and register.

I mean it.
Let's face the reality that we are all just a bunch of dorks, and stop being intimidated by one another.

Need more incentive?  Okay, fine. 
I'll give someone a prize
How about some Gloveables?

Register by this Sunday and I'll give you an entry in the drawing.  If you have already registered... good for you!  Let me know and I'll give you an entry too.  I'll pick a winner Monday morning.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time & good fellowship, no doubt. I'm in Lake Elsinore, if my first born wasn't turning 19 on the 5th, I would be there! Next time!

    BTW, LOVE your BLOG,

  2. I have been to many retreats at that conference center, and it is amazing!! So beautiful and serene, you can sit in the hot springs or take a ride on a paddle boat on the lake :) Perfect place to connect with God.

  3. It's funny you made this post because I just decided last night that I think I need to be there! I just need to get the final go-ahead from the man of the house but I think I'm going to go! I'll talk to Mom about it today!

  4. By the way, my glovables just bit the dust, so I'm in desperate need!
