Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Many, many years ago I met a girl named Kailynn Bowling {yes, bowling, like the game}.
She trained me to be a Loan Processor.
When Kailynn was first married she was told that if she didn't start having babies right away, she may not ever be able to get pregnant because she suffered from severe Endometriosis.  She was 20.  She decided to wait.

So when I met her, and introduced her to adorably pregnant Brooke, she decided that pregnancy didn't seem so bad after all, and started trying for a baby.

She got pregnant immediately, then lost that baby to a Tubal Pregnancy.

As I watched Kailynn go down that painful road, I decided that Nathan and I had better get to trying.  I had long suspected that I too had Endometriosis, and realized that we may have a long road ahead of us as well.

The next month I was pregnant.

A couple of years later, on the same day that another friend of mine suffering from infertility called to tell me that she was pregnant, Kailynn called to tell me that she was pregnant!

She now has two beautiful children.

I often thank God for bringing Kailynn into my life, because if I hadn't watched her walk the path before me I may never have had my Beau.

Anyway... a couple of years after I had Beau the mortgage industry came crashing down, and Kailynn quit being a Loan Processor and went to work for herself.

I'll let her tell you a little more:

When and why did you start your business?
 ChicBlvd.com was founded in March 2004. My Business Partner Nikki and I realized that we shared the same entrepreneurial spirit as we frequented the garment district in Los Angeles for “finds” to sell on eBay. With backgrounds in Advertising/Marketing and Management, we began a journey to create something unique to positively impact other women. ChicBlvd.com was born and has evolved into the premier avenue of engaging young women and providing guidance for life! It’s the “girlfriend’s guide for the road of life” regardless of the stage a girl is in—whether single, dating, getting married, having a baby or pursuing her career.

The division of chicBuds.com was launched in 2006 with our first product line of Swarovski crystal retractable earbuds. In 2010 we have over 30 product skus and our products are sold nationally at Nordstroms, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus, Von Maur, Office Max, BestBuy.com and more.

The division of ChicExecs.com was launched in 2008 with 40 clients and has grown to the first automated PR and Media website of it's kind. Today,we have over 100 clients nationally whom we help get national media attention and placement at a low cost.

You very well may have seen some of Kailynn's products around town
{every time I do I beam with pride}:

What is your favorite part about running your business?
It never feels like work! It's my Passion

What is your biggest dream for your business?
I want to be on Oprah! Not for the accomplishments we have made but for helping someone else realize and accomplish their dreams.

Kailynn sent me a giant box of products, so you can find several in each basket!

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