Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Confession: I Can't Dance

Looking for the Thirty-One Gifts giveaway?  Scroll down or click here.

When I was in eighth grade I tried out to be on the Freshman Cheer Squad at my high school.  

Seven girls tried out.

They took five.

I was not one of the five.

A month or so later it turned out that one of those girls was moving out of state, and even though her uniform had already been ordered, they chose to make it a four person squad rather than adding myself or number seven to the team.

At the end of my freshman year I tried out once again.  

I didn't make it.

At the end of my sophomore year I had Mononucleosis, and was unable to make it to tryouts, but at the end of my junior year I tried out yet again.  

This was my last chance.  There were eighteen girls trying out that year, and only four or five were returning Varsity Cheer Leaders.  I was so nervous during my tryouts that I completely forgot my original routine and stood motionless for five minutes.
{Okay, it was probably 15 seconds, but it seemed like an eternity.}  
I left that tryout thinking, "Okay God... I get it.  I'm not a Cheer Leader."

You know what... I made the squad.  {Granted, they took fifteen out of the eighteen, so the odds were in my favor, but that hadn't really helped me in the past.}

I would love to tell you that I became the best darn Cheer Leader that school had ever seen!  That  I became Captain, and then was asked to join the USA National Cheer Leaders.  That South County Cheer Leaders are still talking about the legend that was Emmy... Cheer Leader Extraordinaire.

I'd love to tell you that.  

But the truth is there was a reason I tried out three times before making the squad.  I am not what you would call the most coordinated of individuals.  I was too tall to fly and too skinny to be a base, so I was always the girl standing in front of the formation, clapping and saying, "Go Dolphins!"  {That's right... we were the mighty, mighty dolphins.}

Our Choreographer had to be very creative about where she placed me and the movements that she required of me.  

In short... I can't dance.

So I was super intrigued when my friend Molly Rainbow {yes, that is really her name} emailed me with an amazing idea.  She is starting a revolution, and she wants us all to join her.  

Intrigued?  So was I. 

Check out what I am talking about here.

I am humbled that Molly asked me to join her team of Sponsors which includes these amazing ladies:

Designer Blogs {my blog designers... they rock!}

Each of us is creating a special i dance piece that will be available for purchase to participants who want to spread the word.
Here's a sneak peek at my piece:

I told you it was just a sneek peek.

The project is being featured on Moms Like Me and Molly is hoping to have women all over the country and even the world join the revolution and say "i dance". 

i dance.  do you? 


  1. You are too funny.
    Your Fellow Dolphin

  2. You're hilarious. I didn't know the story about them keeping the squad at four instead of adding you. That's awesome!

  3. You have determination and gumption. After the first failed attempt, I'd be all, Screw those stupid cheerleaders. I'm joining Drama club.

  4. i had no idea you tried out that many times, at least you had the courage to do it! i always wanted to do dance team or cheer, but was too afraid of rejection!

  5. I would have given up after the first rejection!!! Admire your determination. I love the new Revolution!! It's gonna be fun to see what is created. I love to dance and have a very unhealthy obsession with dance music. Dancing keeps you young!!!

  6. You've got SPIRIT, yes you do!:) New to you (and blogging actually) through idance. Such fun and inspirational! I thought I was the only one with a paper obsession. Glad I'm not the only one. You do fantastic works with yours.
