Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Pray Cards

When my parents brought me home from the hospital my sister {who was 2 and a half at the time} came up to me and said with a sigh of excitement, You're my sister and I love you.

She has been loving me and taking care of me ever since.

A couple of years ago for Mother's Day my sister made my mom and me these sets of laminated cards that she had labeled How to Pray for Your Children and How to Pray for Your Grandchildren, respectively.

They were these wonderful cards, each one with a short prayer and a corresponding bible verse with different ways that we could be praying for our family.  They were meant to be kept on our nightstand and prayed through each night.

We both loved them, and started showing them to friends.

Molly quickly started receiving orders.
Then she started getting requests for different sets of cards.
Like How to Pray for Your Husband, How to Pray During Challenging Times, and How to Pray with Your Kids.

She now offers over 20 different styles in her shop  
How to Pray Cards,
and has even more in the works all the time.

Here's a little bit more info about Molly:

Tell me a little bit about yourself and/or your family.
I left my elementary school teaching career when my son was born to be a stay-at-home mom. I am now blessed with two precious kiddos (4 1/2 and 2 1/2) and run a home business in my spare (is that what you call it?) time. I've been married for 9 years to my amazing husband, Kevin. He works harder than anyone I know in order to support our family, so I am thankful for the opportunity to use my gifts to help bring in a little extra income. What a blessing, as well, to be able to minister to and encourage others to fill their hearts with God's Word!

When and why did you start your business?
How to Pray Cards  began in May of 2008. It was not intended to be a business at all. My second baby had been born in late 2007 and I had always tried to use middle-of-the-night feedings with my babies as time to pray over them. Since I always struggled to stay awake, or found myself praying the same thing over and over, I got the idea that I should write down my prayers on little index cards to help me stay focused. I also thought it would be nice to pass the cards on to my kids someday so they could see what I had been praying for them since before they were born. The whole project was at the bottom of my to-do list and I was finally driven to make the prayer cards when I was helping throw a baby shower for a good friend who was having her first baby. I decided it would make a unique baby shower gift. The shower happened to fall the weekend before Mother's Day and I got the idea to give them to my sister and sister-in-law and to make "How to Pray for Your Grandkids" for my kids' grandmas. It all started with 6 sets - all handmade with scrapbooking paper, fancy scissors, glue and laminated in big sheets at Staples. From there, I started getting requests for more and custom requests for "How to Pray for Your Husband", bible verse memory cards for new moms, etc. All my best ideas have come from my customers and the business has now grown to include over 25 titles!

What is your favorite part about running your business?
The best part is seeing people get excited about God's Word and about prayer. I've been blown away by the response of people - even unbelievers! - to what amounts to little laminated pieces of paper! I love when people share their stories with me of how they are using their cards, or how they have been able to witness or encourage others with the gift of prayer. It just reminds me how powerful and precious God's Word really is!

 What is your biggest dream for your business?
My biggest dream is that this business stays the Lord's business and not Molly's. I want to see where He will take it and not get in the way of that - either with my pride (that wants to see my name in lights) or with my fears (which hold me back from saying "Yes" to opportunities He is giving me). It would be wonderful to get to a point where I can produce them much faster and be able to keep up with a growing business. I would also love to see them translated into other languages and made available to people in countries who don't have all the wonderful Bible resources we have in America.

Molly donated three $25 Gift Cards to How To Pray Cards.  You will find one in each basket!

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