I cannot believe that the raffle is just three days away!
It has been a whirlwind trying to prepare for this thing.
I cannot even tell you how amazing all my sponsors have been in getting everything to me so quickly.
You are all going to be so excited about these baskets.
If its any indication... everyone that has come in my office in the last two weeks has tried to purchase {or steal... Brooke} one of our prizes!
I have been madly trying to put everything together and sort through what should go in which basket.
With my girls' help, I think we have narrowed it down.
I am super excited to tell you that there will be three baskets!!!
That means three chances to win.
We have separated them into these categories:
Locals Only
{Sorry to exclude those of you across the country, but there are some items that either cannot be shipped, or can only be redeemed locally. OC friends... you are in luck!}
For the Kids
If you have little ones from babies to teenagers you will want this basket.
It will also make for a fantastic stockpile of shower gifts!
All Grown Up
This one's for you! We have some unbelievable prizes in here that even your husbands will covet!
I am absolutely giddy to get to share each of these baskets with you.
So get ready... tell your friends... come back on Monday!
The raffle will run from Monday morning until Friday at noon Pacific Standard Time.
I will announce the winners Friday afternoon.
See you bright and early Monday morning!

yay! i can't wait for the big reveal on monday!! praying this raffle brings lots of blessings for your family :)