Thursday, August 19, 2010

Raving Fan Contest

I am super, super excited to say that I have finished designing the 2011 line, have ordered all the paper, and am currently cleaning out the office making room for all the fantabulous paper that is making its way here as we speak!!!

Can I get a wooooo-hoooooooo???

Okay, maybe no one else is as excited about this as I am, but I feel like celebrating.

So I have decided to hold a contest to find 
the craziest  
and the most desperate  
Future Raving Fan

Here's the deal:

Take a picture of you and your Much Ado About You calendar {like Renee did the other day... love it}

 and then some close-ups of your calendar, showing just how much you have used and loved it.

Send your photos, along with a brief description of how much you love your calendar and why you should be chosen as our Raving Fan {a few sentences is plenty... we don't need any essays people... this isn't college application time} to  

Don't have a Much Ado About You Calendar yet, and feeling left out?

Well, I've got a special offer for you too!
You can enter our Future Raving Fan Contest!

Here's your deal:

Take a picture of yourself with whatever you are currently using to keep track of your life.

Send your photo, along with a brief description of why owning a Much Ado About You Calendar will make your life so much better to

My employees and I will choose our favorites.  

The winners will get a very special sneak peek at the new line, 
and first choice on their new calendar 
that they will get for free.

Free, people!

All entries must be received by 
Wednesday, September 15th at midnight PST.

Are you excited?  I am!



  2. so if i send you goofy pics of me showing you the embarrassing way i organize my life, does that mean i get to have lunch with you to SEE the new line? that might be worth it ... i am a fan of you too ...

  3. For shizzle Lisa! I would LOVE to do lunch... but you have to send me your goofy pics first. :)

  4. WOW!!! You must *really* be excited!!! FREE!? This is so cool ;)

  5. Oh, I will be sending you a very long email with lots of pictures! My current day planner is HORRIBLE!

  6. watch out Paige, i'm totally gonna beat you!! [insert evil-but-cute laugh here]
