Monday, August 16, 2010

Too Many Entries

Okay, I am exhausted.

You people love Creme de la Gems.

I had the most entries I have ever had for a giveaway.  457.

I had fully planned on posting Part 7 of the You're the Boss series today, but after an hour+ of organizing giveaway entries and picking the winner... I am tired.

So tired in fact that I forgot to take a screen shot of the winner, so you are going to have to trust me on this one {good thing it isn't someone that I know personally}.

Congratulations Sabine!  You are our winner.  I will send Tracy your email address.

Check back tomorrow for Part 7.


  1. Thank you Emmy, for hosting my Giveaway! Now go take a nap!! ;)


  2. Hello Tracy,
    I won your wonderful mom`s duet.
    I can`t believe it. It`s sooooo wonderful.

    At the moment my Email account doesn`t work, I`m so sorry.

    Could you contact me on my daughter`s account, please!?


  3. GIRL! OMG! I TOTALLY GOT MY PKG YESTERDAY (I POSTED PICS ON YOUR FB) I totally screamed outloud when I unwrapped the pkg! THEY ARE GLORIOUS! When I get paid again I will order an address book as well and Im thinking I should get a large sketch book as well! My boss is out until tomorrow so I put hers on her desk - SHE WILL FLIP!!! and your page markers are FANTASTIC! EVERYTHING ABOUT THE PLANNER IS PERFECT! You put so much thought and detail into them - and it really shows - everyone in my office was drooling this morning - I can't say enough about your wonderful company and product! Ill be leaving feedback on etsy at lunch! EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!! Im totally in love! OX

  4. Oh yay! Thank you for your fabulous comment Renee. I am so glad that you were pleased with how everything turned out. You made my day!
