Friday, September 17, 2010

A Good Day

Mego and I are having a fantastic time at The Creative Connection.  Yesterday we sold enough to partially cover the cost of our lunch... so that was good.

Yeah.  It's been slow.  Really, really slow.

Today is Ree Drummond's book signing, so we're hopeful that having the Pioneer Woman around the corner from our booth will increase our sales {to maybe cover the cost of our lunch at least}.  They're expecting 2000 people for the signing... or so we have been told.

Okay, but seriously {other than the total lack of sales} yesterday was amazing!

First of all... for my fellow Paper Freaks... I met Heather Bailey!  AND she signed my calendar that has her paper on it!!!

Then, as Mego and I left the Exhibit Hall I remembered that I had left my Pioneer Woman's Cookbook at my booth, and we thought that she might be signing them at the Gala, so I ran back to get it.  While Mego was standing in the foyer waiting for me, who should walk up but the Pioneer Woman herself!  Mego was freaking out because she was afraid I wasn't going to get back in time to see her.  So when I came walking up she was like... "Look!  It's Ree!  And she's just standing there and no one is even talking to her."

It was so weird.  There she was, standing at her table, with women all around her, but no one even approaching her.

So Mego and I walked up with our books and I said, "Am I allowed to talk to you yet?"  And without missing a beat, she looked at her naked wrist like she was checking her watch and said, "Um... okay, I guess so!"  She was so very sweet and funny, and remembered the calendar that I had sent her and said she loves it.  She remembered that when she opened it, Marlboro Man's employee had loved it so much that she ordered one for herself.  I name dropped our mutual friend Sandi's name so she would know I was not a crazy fan {well, think that I was not a crazy fan}.

And all this time, we were still the only women even noticing Ree!

So then we went upstairs to get pretty for the gala.

I got to sit at a table with Gussy, Jessica from Allora Handmade, her sister Mique from 30 Days, Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy, and Lisa Leonard... who had designed a necklace especially for this event that was on each of our place settings!

{Pictures to follow... I can't get my stinkin' upload to work right now!}

And we got these amazing swag bags with a bunch of fun loot

THEN... Amy Butler was the keynote speaker.

It was an overwhelming night.

This morning we are back at the Market.  It's been a slow morning again, although there are a lot more people here.  Ree's book signing starts in a half a hour... so we're hopeful.  Wish us luck {or actually... just wish us lots of sales!}.

More later...


  1. good luck! hopefully things pick up. sounds like you had an awesome time though, i'm totally jealous! have fun :]

  2. it was soooo good to hang out and bond. xxooooo
