Monday, September 27, 2010

Now Accepting Applications

Nathan and I have these friends... we'll call them Beth and Corey {because those are their actual names}.  They are two of our favorite people on the planet.  Pretty much every weekend we try to talk them into driving down from their house {which is 40 minutes away and which we are not allowed in... something about renovations and heart palpitations}.  

This weekend we got to spend almost the entire Saturday with them {and Brooke's family, which I would mention if I thought she would ever bother to read my blog}.  It was super terrific.

On top of being super fun and funny, Beth and Corey happen to really dig my business.  They are constantly coming up with ideas for me, and trying to help figure out how we are going to take Much Ado About You to the next level so that I can hire both of them and we can all move to the beach in North Carolina. 

{Photos from the best week ever... spent in Wrightsville Beach, NC}

So our Saturday fun-day-in-the-sun turned into a business strategy meeting.  

We came up with a lot of great ideas... and one of them
may involve you.

Today I am introducing
Much Ado About You's
Calendar Ambassador Program

We are looking for a handful of women from across the country that would like to help spread the word about Much Ado About You, and get some great benefits in return.

Here's how the program will work:

*We will send each Calendar Ambassador {let's just call them CA's from here on out so that I can stop typing Calendar Ambassador} a sample kit, including three calendars {one of each size} and a handmade catalog of the 2011 line.

*The CA will use this kit to share Much Ado About You with their friends, family, neighbors, the lady in front of them in the DMV line... anyone they think may be interested in purchasing a super adorable planner.

*Each CA will be given a special code to share with their "customers" that will allow us to track the orders placed through their promotion.

Okay, now for the super fun part:

In exchange for helping us grow the Much Ado About You Calendar Empire,
each CA will get the following benefits:

1. One of the three sample calendars will be their pick from the new line, and will be personalized for them to keep... absolutely FREE.

2. For every order placed through the end of January 2011 using their special code, they will get $10!
{What a fun and easy way to make a little extra Christmas cash, huh?}

3. At a time of their choosing, they can give the other two samples away to friends or their own blog followers, and we will send the lucky winners the personalization they need to complete their calendar.

4. The special code will allow their friends to receive a discount on their purchases!

It's a win-win-win.

Are you ready to join the movement and become a CA?

If you think you have what it takes {which, let's be honest, is just a little calendar enthusiasm} then take advantage of this great opportunity to get yourself a free calendar and a little spending cash to boot!
To apply, please fill out the
by October 5th.

Hurry... this program is in the beta testing phase, and we are only going to hire a very limited number of CA's... so you gotta convince us that you are really excited and going to take your position seriously.

{Do I sound official and boss-like?}

Did you think that I forgot about the giveaway?  I did not.  Congratulations to Brandi! chose you as the winner of the How to Pray Cards giveaway.
Molly will contact you later to let you know how to claim your prize.

If you didn't win... get on over to Molly's shop.  She has updated her card sets to be spiral bound, and is clearing out all her sets with a single punch ring.  Buy 3 get one FREE, which makes them just $11 a set.  Stock up now for Christmas!


  1. I love your blog - it's so fun and cute! Like you! I sure hope Brian is thinking about my Christmas present and what colors to order! Somehow, I don't think it is on the top of his "to do" list!

  2. Fabulous Idea Emmy! I get compliments on my calendar all the time, and it's great there will be some CA's out their promoting! Is there a way to just get a catalog to show my friends and family as a non-CA? :)

  3. you guys are some of our favorites too!

    And to all you COAPF followers... you'll want to work for Much Ado About You, Emmy is fabulous!

  4. I would LOVE to help you this way. Just submitted my app, best of luck to you! Everyone that sees my calendar loves them! :)

  5. My daughter, Heather would be perfect for this! She is always showing off the calendar her cousin bought for her (it's one of yours)

    her websiteis

  6. I sent in my application to be a CA for you and I would be so excited to market these adorable calendars. I wanted to mention that I also make pen holders which I think would compliment your calendars perfectly.

  7. Thanks so much for doing the giveaway! I'm tickled I won!

  8. you're so smart ... and i love the "win, win, win" reference!!!
