Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Heart my Mom

I am so excited to share something with you all! 

But first let me tell you that I happen to have the most incredible mom on the planet {sorry... mine's the best}.  I am extremely grateful for such an amazing relationship with my mom, and I can truly say that it is the most easy relationship that I have.  My mom and I are very similar, except that she is not at all controlling {which is probably why our relationship works}.  She is my cheerleader, my encourager, my counselor, my mentor, and my friend.

A couple of years ago my mom decided that she wanted to start a daily devotional with my sister and myself that we could do by email, as a way of connecting each morning around God's word.  We started out going through the New Testament.  Along the way several friends and family members joined us, each morning being encouraged by my mother's thoughtful responses to what we were reading.  Last year we went through Psalms.  This year we have begun to sift through my favorite chapter of the bible, Genesis

Have you ever read Genesis?  It is the best book!  Anyone that thinks that the bible is boring should check out Genesis!  It's better than any daytime soap opera.  There is mystery, intrigue, murder, infidelity, infertility, consequences, wrath, revenge... it's fascinating!

Anywho... last year for Mother's Day my sister and her husband bought my mom a domain, and tried to get her started blogging her daily messages.  She hesitated.  We all encouraged her because there were so many people joining our study everyday, it would be much easier for others to share this experience with their friends if they just had a website to log on to.  She hesitated some more.  We explained that this was not to bring her glory, but to share this amazing journey with even more women.  She still hesitated.

Last week I finally had some free time on my hands, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I went back through all the emails she has sent out since the beginning of the year {since we stared Genesis}, and posted them to her blog.  I then contacted my friends at Designer Blogs and ordered a darling little layout to make things pretty.  Then came the challenging part... I had to teach my mom how to blog.  Eek!

The good news is that she is figuring it out.

Please check out her blog meet Me in the morning.  {The capital M in Me is for God, not my mom... just to clarify.}

My mom does not believe that anyone would want to follow along as some old lady babbles about the bible, so let's show her!  {She is not old, by the way, although she would love to tell you a story about how I recently called her old.  She tells everyone that story.}

Please become a follower and join us on this journey.  I have so enjoyed reading her messages each morning, and I know you will too.  I do it while I dry my hair {I have just enough time to read her message and Lysa TerKeurst's blog, and catch up on the world with my FoxNews ap}.  I have already studied Genesis at length, {I went through Beth Moore's The Patriarchs study twice... another one I highly recommend}, but I am learning all sorts of amazing and interesting facts about our God and our heritage each day. 

If you have never read Genesis, this is a great excuse.  If you have never read the bible, what better place to start than in the beginning???  You can start with the very beginning {her first blog post} or you can join us where we are today {Genesis 9}.

Tell your friends.

Get your bibles.

Come meet us all in the morning!


  1. I Heart my Emmy Marie Joy Blakely!! Okay - it's up to God now! I'm giving it over to Him! :)

  2. How very, very awesome! I do remember your mom being completely amazing.

    I just started a study of Genesis with two friends, but we meet weekly. We just finished chapter 9 this week. I will definitely bookmark her blog.

  3. Yay! I love Sally's daily Bible study email and am sooo excited to have them in Blog format now.
    P.S. I heart your mom, too!
