Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No, I am Not a Stalker

Okay, well maybe just a little.

I recently revealed that I once met Justin Timberlake.  Now I will tell you the story of how that happened to occur.

So it was 2002.  Brooke's oldest was a baby, and I don't think I was pregnant yet.  *NSYNC was playing a concert that night at our local venue.

We happened to have a friend {who shall remain nameless} that was currently working at the Ritz Carlton and may have given us a little tip that a certain boy band might be staying at their hotel. 

So Brooke, her baby, her mom and I spent the rest of the day hanging out in the hotel lobby waiting for the boys to stroll through.  One at time, they began trickling through... Joey, that other one that no one remembers, and finally JT.

Somehow we talked Brooke into approaching him.  She asked if we could get a picture, and he said he couldn't do pictures, but he would sign anything we brought him.  Brooke came running back over to us and we madly sifted through our purses looking for things he could sign.  {No, we had not prepared ourselves for this little outing.}

As we walked back over to him the hotel staff approached us and very sternly scolded us, telling us we were not to bother their guests.  JT saw what was happening, said it was fine, and waved us over. 

He was super nice, way taller than I expected, and even more handsome.

Turns out that was the day that it hit the news that he and Brittany had broken up.  Had I known when we were talking, I would have offered a shoulder to cry on or something. 

I just remembered a funny thing that happened that night at the concert.  {Yes, I went to the concert.  I am that girl.}  I was sitting with my friend Kailynn, and we had pretty good seats.  We were just a few rows back from the stage.  To our right, there was a couple sitting in the front row of the side seats.  A few people started to approach them and we realized it was Corey Feldman and his wife.  Then we heard the girls next to us say, "Who's Corey Feldman?" in their very best valley girl accents.

It was at the moment that we realized that we were too old to be at an *NSYNC concert.  My stalking days were over. 

I have lots of other embarrassing celebrity sightings {I do live in Southern California} that I will tell you about someday.


  1. any scott weiland hookups?

    my story as to why i still haven't met him is because God doesn't want two things to happen, me to have to tell him "no" when he asks me to marry him, and the second is the drug relapse that will occur because he is so in love with me that he can't handle life without me.

    poor guy.

    probably the same reasons you didn't find out about brittany before ... right?

  2. Hahaha that's a great story! For the record, I don't think you're ever to old to stalk Justin Timberlake =) Well...maybe my mom is, lol! She was mad at me that I went to his concert without her a couple years ago and reminded me of the days she took me to see NSYNC =) HAHA!

  3. HA! Too funny!

    And my cousin and I have gone to two New Kids on the Block concerts in the last year. You're never too old ;)
