Thursday, March 3, 2011

Allow Myself to Introduce Myself

As you may know, I am passionate about developing, supporting, and encouraging Small Businesses.  I love helping other women try to find their way in this Indie Business world.  My You're the Boss series is all about helping other women avoid my growing pains, and make some smart decisions about moving past their own.

I have discovered that one of the keys to growing a Small Business is to take advantage of Social Media.  Twitter, Facebook, and even blogging are great ways to grow your business... for free!

One of my favorite things about this great big blogging world of ours is that it quickly begins to feel small when you start putting the connections together.  The Small Business Owners, the Bloggers, the Blog Stalkers.  I love it when I come upon a new blog or shop, and I realize that one of my friends has been there too.

So in the spirit of making the big blog world smaller, starting tomorrow and going through next Friday, March 11th I am gong to introduce you to six friends of mine.  They are Shop Owners, Blog Writers, and inspirational, creative women that I can't wait to show off! 

To make it interesting... I am making it a contest {I love contests}.  Of the six of them, the shop or blog that gets the most comments on their posting within the first 24 hours of the posting will win a Personalized Calendar from Much Ado About YouBut wait there's more.  One of the commenters on the winning posting will also win a Personalized Calendar from Much Ado About You!  That could be you!  Check out their shop or blog and comment about what you like, and you could win

Remember to make your comment within the first 24 hours of each posting {so you will have to come see me everyday... he, hee}!

See you in the morning.