Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Day Jitters

Please visit my friend Alissa's blog, Rags to Stitches to donate to her  
Adoption Fundraiser and win some fantastic prizes!  

It's the first day of school.  I got my notebook ready:

my first day of school outfit on, and I'm ready to go.  Are any of you in my class???


  1. So happy for you being all ready for your {first day of school}...I've been on the fence about signing up and know I NEED to make that decision today! Enjoy your first day of school, you look great with your new notebook in hand.

  2. I'm in your class but not look nearly as good! Love the notebook {and you}!

  3. I meant "don't look nearly as good". :)

  4. So excited for all of you that are a-buzz about this class! Have a great time!

  5. i can't wait to see the outfit on WIWW!! he hee!

  6. I'm in!! Thanks so much for all your help with my notebook last night! That was fun to do together. I'm looking forward to helping each other pass with flying colors! :)

  7. I'm in your class! I am so excited to learn along side such fabulous crafters. I am waiting for some quiet time to go through the first lesson.
