Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jomestic Doi

Okay... I am about to do something that people will tell me I never should have done.

Here it is:

{Insert uproarious laughter here.}

You're welcome.  Yes, this was me in my freshman year of high school.  {Are you beginning to understand why I maybe wasn't first choice for the cheerleading squad???  And did you notice my awesome digital watch?  In our defense... this was the morning after a night of camping.  BTW, that sleeping bag that I am laying on is still in my garage.  I tried to take it to the Good Will the other day then Brooke went and made me all sentimental about it, so I just couldn't do it.}

That girl on the other side is Lisa.  She's the girl I want to introduce you to today.  Sorry Lisa.  I had to do it.  But to be fair... this is Lisa now:

Isn't she darling?

Without getting too terribly gushy and serious here, I have to say in all honesty that having Lisa in my life at this stage makes my heart happy.  Last year Lisa donated some items to my Adoption Raffle, and I told you this:

When I was in Junior High I had a friend named Lisa.
We were typical Junior High "friends".
We were nice to each other when it was convenient, we competed over other friends, we were snide at times.

In High School we basically went our separate ways.

Then a few years ago we ran into each other at a mutual friends' bridal shower.
We were both a little nervous {you know that feeling that sends you right back to the insecurity of adolescence?}, but it tuned out that neither of us was still a silly little Junior Higher!

Over this last year I have had the joy of sharing life stories with Lisa through our blogs.  I have come to depend on her comments, and can rely on the fact that just when I am feeling like nothing I say is important or worth while {or intelligible} Lisa will sweep in with some amazingly encouraging comment that turns my day around.

Lisa and I have a lot of similarities {like we love being mommies, love Jesus, love creating}, but one major difference between us is that I pimp myself out relentlessly and Lisa sits humbly in her blog corner. 

It makes me sad that the world is missing out on the beautiful jewels that spew from Lisa's brain, like this one and this brilliant one here.

Lisa also shares lots of yummy recipes, fun budgeting tips, home decor ideas, and crafty projects.

So please, pretty please... go check out Jomestic Doi here.

Then come back here and tell everyone else why they should go check it out. 


  1. Lisa's a doll. With a super fun blog. Glad you're highlighting her today!

  2. :) Hi. So, I'm Jen, and I went to HS with Emmy and Lisa. Didn't really know Emmy all that well but always liked her. Lisa and I had quite a few mutual friends but didn't really know each other all that well either. But, thanks to FB, I have subscribed to and kept up on Lisa's blog, and I have to tell you all, I adore it! I adore her! She is incredibly creative and intelligent. She is funny and witty and I enjoy her tips and tricks (and recipes, too!) Subscribe, won't be sorry that you did! Oh, and Emmy, I dig your blog, too...I will be subscribing to your blog today. :)

  3. I don't do blogs, but I LOVE Lisa and her blog actually sucks me in EVERY time! Thanks for showin' her some love...

  4. Lisa's blog makes want to blog a better susie homemaker... be more frugle...get dressed!! LOL!

    I <3 her blog!

    Jaime Cram

  5. I LOVE Lisa... in the blog world and the real world! She is the domestic queen of "ordinary miracles"! Love her!

  6. Lisa is cute and funny, has fabulous ideas, but more importantly is REAL. She speaks of insecurities we ladies are too afraid to bring up and sets our hearts at ease. Did I mention her fabulous ideas?!?!? From sewing, decorating, dressing, mothering, teaching, gardening, cooking... She wears many hats (and a smile), all of them beautiful!

  7. Lisa is aMaZiNg! Love this post!

  8. Lisa is utterly delightful, crafty and domestic to the nines, and brilliantly creative. I'm super inspired by her weekly WWIW posts!

  9. Lisa is my hero! Through her open and honest blog, she makes me feel like it's okay to struggle at times with being a woman- wife, mom, shopper, cook, chauffer, house cleaner, laundry doer, and everything else that entails! Her faith keeps her grounded on what really matters in this life! She inspires and encourages us all to try new things and be okay with the outcome, all while looking incredibly gorgeous!

  10. I love following both of your blogs!! Lisas recipes are MMMMMarvelous! And your products Em are awesome, I still want to get those tags BTW.
    Hugs to you both!

  11. I read Lisa's blog regularly and what I love about it is the wonderful mix of fashion and style posts, handy kitchen and cooking recipes and information, family life posts and real sharing from her heart. I am fortunate to be an IRL friend of Lisa's and I think she's fabulous :). And when I made her refried beans, I am a rock star here at home!!

  12. I read Lisa everytime she blogs!!! She is an answer to years of prayer and makes me smile. Makes me miss my best friend!!! just wish i was skinny and cute like her :)

  13. I love Lisa! She is my homemaker hero and has added a ton of knowledge, heart and wisdom into me as a homemaker! I feel so blessed that I know her in real life!!

  14. I love Lisa, and loved that night where the Lisa now photo was taken.....until it ended with a surprise.....However, she is brilliant, kind, fun, and a most treasured friend. Mwah

  15. Hi, I'm Petrina and Lisa makes me want to do laundry, which my husband would say is an awesome miracle!

  16. This is my first blog comment ever. Why? Because I love Lisa. She is someone with whom I would entrust my child, who makes me feel like I'm the most special one in the room while she does the same with everyone else, and who has worked her butt off to be more like Christ.

  17. Way to go, Lisa! Your Blog is fantastic! I LOVE reading your cute posts! Thanks for sharing!!!

  18. I'm Lisa's mother-in-law (I don't use those nifty abbreviations!). She is married to my crazy son, Britt. Together, they have built quite a marriage and family together. She's always as inspiration to me and I love going to their house to see all the things she's been working on. I know that she has the same 24 hours in her day as we all do, but I marvel at all the things she accomplishes - and so well! She's taken this whole wife, mom, creative person thing very seriously! I'm not a great blog follower, but I always check in on hers. (Lisa - you can pay me the next time I see you ! ! !)

  19. always fun to see all the crafty and creative projects she's coming up with, i know i've told her before but she is really such a great inspiration to me and it sounds like to so many, keep up the blogging and great ideas sister-friend! even though we don't get to spend a lot of time together i really am blessed that you married my brother and are apart of our family!

  20. Lisa is a joy and all these responses are proof of how valuable she is to so many of us!

  21. Wow ! I love all the comments. So glad you won Lisa. You are super cool and I like u oodles.\
    God Bless you and your boys.

  22. funny story about the after pic above... that was how she looked just hours before getting crushed. Instead of getting to see Scott Weiland for a solo gig, we wound up rushing a friend to the emergency room. if you know Lisa, missing Scott was rough... REALLY ROUGH! she's still smiling though and it wall worked out in the end, we have more than made up for it with like 10 other times that we've seen him since.

    VOTE FOR LISA! she'll make all your dreams come true.

    redondofuentes... aka the crazy son of jayme... I'm still not wearing any pants

  23. Hi,

    I recently started reading Lisa's blog and have learned a few things from her that have really helped me! I'm quite different than Lisa and am not into frilly or dresses, but do like to dress cute for my hubby and Lisa's WWIW have been the best! She has shown me how to take a wardrobe that's getting old and how to spruce it up and add a bit of flair!
    Her recipes are great and I actually get the pleasure of eating them, made by the chef herself, during the holidays. Lisa is my sister-in-law, but I actually had no idea of her incredible talents, including her friendly, down-to-earth writing style! She has the ability to make the impossible seem easy and I love her new monthly goals too, which has helped me attack spring cleaning & a major decluttering w/weekly goals.

    Looking forward to much more!!

  24. Lisa just makes the little things about everyday REAL life more tasty, affordable, cute, decorated, interesting, and fun! She also makes a point to sharing her talents with others, ie how she offered to help some of the young newly married women/wives who are jomestic doi challenged set up their own homes!
    Love Jomestic Doi
    Tammy Brown

  25. I love seeing the real life of a mom and how to make it pretty along the way.

  26. I love seeing how much Lisa has grown in her walk as a Christian. I love that she is not only talented, but that she knows her talents are gifts from God. She uses those gifts to bless others and that's a beauty that radiates from her soul.

  27. Lisa's blog is awesome! I stay at home and take care of my family just like her and I love seeing how she does it. She is inspiring.

  28. I think I'm a tad late, thought it ended last night, but as it turns out it was today!

    Lisa is a gem, pure gold. Her hubby is one lucky man. She inspires me in all ways of homemaking, tho I'm a bit jealous of her super human powers! She gets more done in one day than I do in a week. Thanks Lisa, for sharing your heart and hard earned knowledge and skillz!

  29. love all the different ideas she shares!
