Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Little DIY Wednesday

My mind is full.  I am so engrossed in my Indie Biz 3.0 course, that I have 9 million thoughts all ramming into each other in my tiny little head.  {Really... I have a tiny head.  I think it is out of proportion with the rest of my body.  It's why my big curly hair works for me.}

Yesterday I spent some time designing what I want my market booth to look like this year, and in turn decided that I need a retro little desk that I can paint aqua.  {So if you have a retro little desk that you want to sell me, or if you see one on Craig's List or at a garage sale... give me a shout.}

This has inspired my DIY creativity.

So this morning, I would like to inspire yours.  Here are some fabulous DIY projects that I thought you might enjoy.  Please to enjoy...

I found this Office Lamp Makeover at Just a Girl:

I need this lamp for my office.  Oh!  Or maybe for my new market booth.  Hmmm.

I am currently obsessed with all things bird, so this Pretty Bird Wall Art from Blue Cricket Design is definitely calling my name:

I think this Picket Fence Headboard from Addicted to Decorating makes a fantastic quick and cheap room makeover.

Now, if aren't afraid to use tools, or you have a husband who will help you, or your brother-in-law has a woodworking workshop in his garage {all of which are true for me}, this Driftwood Candle Holder from Restoration House may be for you:

Of course, if you don't live near the ocean I think this would work just as well with any branch.

And finally {my very favorite project that I am now dying to try}, this fab-u-lous IKEA Rast Dresser Makover from Marcus Design:

Is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen???  She made two of these dressers for just under $125 people!  That's ridiculous.  I love it!

Who else is inspired to get a little messy???

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