Monday, May 2, 2011

Big Changes, Big Decisions

It's so hard to believe that Penelope is one month old.

These past four weeks have been full of images that I never thought I would see around my house again.

I realized yesterday that I am not willing to give up any of the precious moments with this baby girl that I have waited seven long years to cherish.

So I have made a very big decision, and I am so giddy about it that I know it is the right choice.

Much Ado About You will remain closed until August 2011 

From here on out, our shop will be open each year from August through February, closing each spring and summer for a little R & R and to spend some time designing and developing new products.  

We are working on a plan to accommodate our valued clients whose calendars will expire during the months that our shop is closed, and we will be contacting those people in the coming days. 

Thank you so much for your continued support!!!  I am so thankful to have a business that allows me the opportunity to enjoy my family!


  1. I just wanted to weigh in & say that I love how you have decided to do it. You are not closing for good, you are still allowing time for your customers. That says a great deal about your dedication. Also, the fact that you have decided to do this says a great deal about your dedication to your daughter. Enjoy those little moments- they really do fly by way too fast!

  2. Good for you! Enjoy the goes by all too fast as you well know. Give that sweet girl and her big brother tons of hugs and kisses, read lots of books, play peek-a-boo, , let them bang pots and pans, and snuggle at the end of the day. Be blessed with those sweet children!

  3. Hooray for you!!! I'm so glad you came to that conclusion! God will bless that decision - I predict major business for those few months, so I know you will be gearing up. Penelope is so very happy!!! Nanny, too!!

  4. Good for you! I am just bummed because mine runs out June 30 I needed to re-order! Hoping to be able to still :)

  5. I think that is a great decision that will hugely benefit your family (not to mention your company will benefit from that design time =). Can't wait to see your new creations come fall! =) Once you are introduced to Much Ado About You...there's no going back!!! =)

  6. I think you made the right decision to spend time with your family! It is such a blessing to be able to do that. I am just bummed because I was in need of a small planner. I hope you enjoy your summer with your precious children.

  7. I think this is a brilliant idea! What a great way for you to cherish these special moments with your little one's. I LOVE the idea of being closed for spring and summer. Those always seem to be some of the most cherished moments in our home. Lazy days and quiet times, I couldn't think of a better time to take a break from work and spend some down time with the family. P.S. I do have a confession to make...I just entered the last month of my calendar and was patiently waiting for you to reopen your shop. Is there anyway I can still get a calendar for 2011-2012? I just don't know what I would do without it....hehehehehe!

  8. Just saw this - best decision you could have made regarding your business AND your sweet baby girl. I know you'll be blessed (in both arenas!) by choosing this. Love you! xoxo

  9. I just found your blog today, and CONGRATULATIONS! My husband and I are finishing up our homestudy for adoption - this will be our first baby. I will be sure to add your blog to my Reader!
