Friday, June 24, 2011


Yesterday Lindsey of The Pleated Poppy ever so generously "linked up" my WIWW {well, Thursday} post for me because I am still a little bloggy lame and have not figured out how to do that fancy thing.

Today, I decided I. will. learn.

So I am {hopefully} linking up with Jeanett over at Life Rearranged for Instafriday!

life rearranged

So here is my week, via my cell phone:

We had to drain our fountains so that the state will let us finalize our adoption.

Beau and Peeps hung out on the couch.

Peeps decided that she loves Sesame Street.

I saw these in the Nordy's catalog, and decided that I may have to change my mind about Tom's.

I learned how to use Illustrator.  Sort of.  Well... enough to make a header for my new website.  Stay tuned!

Peeps slept.  A lot.  And didn't like it when she had to wake up to eat.

Beau went rock climbing.

I enjoyed about 20 minutes of heaven... watching The Sound of Music with my two favorite girls.

Donna and I finished working on a new product, and sent it off to the printer!  {Eek!}

So that's it.  That was my week.  Oh and Beau finished 2nd grade, my dad and I finished building my boutique booth, Beau and my dad started painting it, Beau moved up a level in swimming, I cleaned out my garage, and lots of other mundane little things happened.


  1. Your baby girl is ABSOLUTELY adorable :) Thanks for sharing all of these photos with us! Happy Friday!

    meg k.
