Thursday, August 18, 2011

In a Stunned Daze

I am a little speechless this morning, so I will try my best to put my feelings into words.

When we got Penelope, I knew that I had to take a break from my business.  I waited a very long time for her, but even if I hadn't, who wants to miss those precious moments that you don't ever get back?

But I love my business.

For many reasons, including the fact that in less than 3 years I sold over 1500 calendars with almost no advertising, I know that God called me to this business and has blessed it beyond measure.

But there are days that I daydream about throwing in the towel and "just" being a housewife {believe me... I know that is not a just}. 

This business is overwhelming at times.  I work hard.  I work a lot.  And to be honest... up until this point, even though we sold almost $30,000 worth of calendars last year, I have made no money.  No profit.  Not one dime.

That is actually typical for a start up business.  Normally, the first three years are profit-less, which is why many businesses fail.  And I have to admit that after working nearly 15 hours a day last fall... I had to wonder if it was worth it.

But, like I said, I love my business.  Love it, love it. 

Then my sweet friend Lysa TerKeurst contacted me and asked if she could blog about her calendar that she loves.

I have done many blog giveaways.  They generally don't generate many sales.  I think this is because people are waiting to see if they win, and then by the time it's over they forget to order.

But I also know that Lysa is kind of a big deal.  She is a New York Times Best-Selling Author, the President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, and one of the coolest people I know.  So I expected that I would get at least some orders out of this promotion. 

Like, maybe 10.

Yesterday at about 11am our time Lysa's blog went up.

By 11:45 I had received 20 orders.  20!

By day's end... 56 orders, and over 60 calendars sold.  The highest single day sales we have ever had.

I spent the majority of my day running back and forth to the computer to re-list items as they sold out.  My parents kept calling me to tell me all the wonderful things people were saying about Much Ado About You on Lysa's blog.

When I woke up this morning, I had 8 new orders.

There are currently 578 comments on Lysa's blog posting.  {Head on over there and comment if you want a chance to win.}

I am amazed.  Stunned.  Shocked.  Overwhelmed.  But mostly grateful.  Grateful.  Grateful.

Oops... I gotta go.  Two more orders just came in... I gotta go re-list some items.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011