Thursday, August 18, 2011

In a Stunned Daze

I am a little speechless this morning, so I will try my best to put my feelings into words.

When we got Penelope, I knew that I had to take a break from my business.  I waited a very long time for her, but even if I hadn't, who wants to miss those precious moments that you don't ever get back?

But I love my business.

For many reasons, including the fact that in less than 3 years I sold over 1500 calendars with almost no advertising, I know that God called me to this business and has blessed it beyond measure.

But there are days that I daydream about throwing in the towel and "just" being a housewife {believe me... I know that is not a just}. 

This business is overwhelming at times.  I work hard.  I work a lot.  And to be honest... up until this point, even though we sold almost $30,000 worth of calendars last year, I have made no money.  No profit.  Not one dime.

That is actually typical for a start up business.  Normally, the first three years are profit-less, which is why many businesses fail.  And I have to admit that after working nearly 15 hours a day last fall... I had to wonder if it was worth it.

But, like I said, I love my business.  Love it, love it. 

Then my sweet friend Lysa TerKeurst contacted me and asked if she could blog about her calendar that she loves.

I have done many blog giveaways.  They generally don't generate many sales.  I think this is because people are waiting to see if they win, and then by the time it's over they forget to order.

But I also know that Lysa is kind of a big deal.  She is a New York Times Best-Selling Author, the President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, and one of the coolest people I know.  So I expected that I would get at least some orders out of this promotion. 

Like, maybe 10.

Yesterday at about 11am our time Lysa's blog went up.

By 11:45 I had received 20 orders.  20!

By day's end... 56 orders, and over 60 calendars sold.  The highest single day sales we have ever had.

I spent the majority of my day running back and forth to the computer to re-list items as they sold out.  My parents kept calling me to tell me all the wonderful things people were saying about Much Ado About You on Lysa's blog.

When I woke up this morning, I had 8 new orders.

There are currently 578 comments on Lysa's blog posting.  {Head on over there and comment if you want a chance to win.}

I am amazed.  Stunned.  Shocked.  Overwhelmed.  But mostly grateful.  Grateful.  Grateful.

Oops... I gotta go.  Two more orders just came in... I gotta go re-list some items.


  1. wow. God is good. and amazing. isn't funny how just when we are about to throw in the towel he does something amazing??? i'm off to check out lysa's blog, but I wanted to say.... your products rock, you're a great mommy and God is good.

  2. WAY TO GO! Your calendars are so cute and I can't wait to order one (just need to save a bit for it first).

    Keep following God's will and He'll always bless.

  3. I am so happy for you. This is an amazing product and I have loved getting to know you through your blog and business the last three years. You are an amazing woman who has been very patient waiting for God's blessings in your life and business. This is your year! Hugs!

  4. i just got to use my calendar for the first time this week for school and i LOVE <3, LOVE <3, LOVE IT! so very excited for you and your business!

  5. So excited for you - 2011 has been amazing!!

  6. woohoo! congrats :)and well deserved! i would totally volunteer to come help you out during this crazy time if we lived closer to one another :)

  7. awesome news emmy!! i think you deserve a new pair of sunglasses from nordy's ....hahaha come see me...i want to meet the baby!!

  8. Okay, count me in for some of todays orders! I just came over from your etsy site after ordering one of your planners, I can't wait for it to come in! I actually came across you while trying to find customizable planners that weren't Erin Condren ones (she has beautiful planners but in my opinion they are too big, bulky, and you get WAY more for your money with your planners! I got a planner with all the add ons plus shipping and it is still less then one of hers!) and luckily I found your etsy store. My planner hasn't come yet (um obviously hah, just ordered it moments ago!) but I can already tell I'm going to be super happy with it and see this as a perfect gift for my very busy sisters and mom. Thanks again and congratulations on your success!!

  9. This is seriously so amazing and well deserved!!! I love your planners and everyone else should too. End of story!

  10. Aloha from Hawaii ... I read Lysa's blog and followed her link to your site. You do such beautiful work, and I think your commitment to listen to suggestions and improve your products will ensure your company's success. I ordered a planner this morning and can't wait to receive it. God Bless you and your family. (hmm... include Scripture? Heehee)

  11. So happy for you my friend! You ARE a big deal!

  12. your planners. Wonderful gifts for Christmas.

    How do you create the templete for the calendar? What software do you use? Or is that a secret? :):)...hahaa

    Good luck with all your orders.

  13. Haha -- I just emailed you about possibly working together to promote you, but you have Lysa Terkeurst promoting you! Wow!! :)

    I have bookmarked your website, and will be drooling over everything until these unexpected expenses keep happening! :)

    Praising God for your increased business... what an awesome thing!
