Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pregnancy Journals by Spunk & Love

Guess what???  I have a giveaway for you!  I have no idea how long it has been since I have done a giveaway, and I am extra excited about this one because it's from my BFF's shop.

I have told you about Megan's shop before here, when I told you all about her Birthday Books.  But she has just introduced a new product that I am so excited to share with you today.

Check out these Pregnancy Journals

I had a pregnancy journal when I was pregnant with Beau.  I got it on the bargain bin table at Barnes & Noble.  It was not the cutest thing I had ever seen, but I had never seen a pregnancy journal so I loved it.  And I still treasure it.  I never made Beau a baby book, so my pregnancy journal is all we've got!  I wish mine was half as cute as these.

Megan's books have four sections, one for each trimester, and one called "your arrival".

There are places to record all the best moments of pregancy {and even some of the not-so-best moments}.

Are you pregnant?  I bet you are wishing you had one of these now.

So here's the great news:  
Spunk & Love is giving away one of their fabulous books to one of my fabulous readers
And if you're not pregnant, don't worry because you can choose one of their Birthday Books instead. 

Here's how to enter:

Check out Spunk & Love here and come back and tell me which adorable design you like the best.  {I am partial to the Beau and the Penelope.}

For extra entries, leave a SEPARATE COMMENT for each of the following:
  • Become a follower of this blog {or let me know if you already are a follower}
  • Like Spunk & Love on Facebook here
  • Heart Spunk & Love on Etsy here
  • Pin a picture of one of Spunk & Love's items on Pinterest
  • Tweet about this giveaway
  • Post a link to this giveaway on Facebook
The giveaway will close on Tuesday night {1/31/12} at midnight PST time, and I will announce the winner Wednesday morning.

Giveaway open to US Residents only.

Oh wait... I forgot the best part!!!  Megan is offering my readers 20% off her entire shop, now thru Wednesday, February 1st!  Just enter the code MAAY20 at checkout.  And if you order now and win this giveaway, Megan will refund the purchase of {1} book!  Isn't she thoughtful???  That's why she's my BFF.


  1. Great giveaway! I love the "ella" and "avery" designs :)

  2. Replies
    1. Crystal... I forgot to add that Megan is also offering a discount code to her shop. I just added the info to the posting, but wanted to make sure you see it. :)

  3. Penelope for sure! Perfect for my little girl!

  4. I love the penelope. Super cute! Thanks,

  5. I heart your shop on etsy! Thanks,

  6. I follow you on google friend! Thanks,

  7. I love them all! The "Ava", "Addison" and "Avery", plus the pregnancy journal are probably my favorites!

  8. I am a follower of this blog (I'm subscribed by email)

  9. The Cole is a pretty cool one for a boy.

  10. I love the pregnancy journal and the Cole! My son is turning 1 and that would be adorable with the blue birdy.
    I liked you on FB and my email is

  11. I pinned one of the books on Pinterest.

  12. I posted a link to the giveaway on Facebook :-)

    Great giveaway Emmy! THANK YOU!!

  13. I like the pregnancy journal and the Beau!
    Thank you!!

  14. I am now a follower on your blog AND facebook!

  15. I liked Spunk & Love on Facebook.

  16. I added Spunk & Love to my favs on Etsy!

  17. I pinned my fav baby book, Beau, on pinterest!

  18. Thank you for introducing me to this shop! I love the baby books. My fav is Beau, but Benjamin is amazing too!

  19. OH MY - i purchased a planner from you this summer and LOVED it so much, I bought 2 more for friends!! didn't realize you have a blog :) I've so got baby fever as we're entering in to 'start to try' phase for #2!! With that said...i'd go with the Addison for birthday/1 year...because I'm still playing catch up with my first! I'd HEART having this and getting this project d-o-n-e before the second comes around. THANKS!

  20. now following your blog! I would do the other entry options as well, but I don't do any of those things ;0 Thanks!

  21. I just bought the pregnancy journal for a friend this week.... but I would love the Benjamin for one of my own little ones!

  22. I tweeted about the giveaway: @SFbaymama

  23. I "hearted" Spunk & Love on ETSY!

  24. I pinned an item from Spunk & Love on Pinterest!

  25. I posted a link to this giveaway on FB!
