Monday, October 29, 2012

Lunch Pails & Lipstick

Isn't that the cutest name?  Lunch Pails & Lipstick.  That completely describes stylish motherhood, doesn't it?

I have a friend Summer Thacker.  She is rad.  She's adorable, funny, and ridiculously stylish on a budget.  I've known her since Junior High, and we both moved back home after college so we run into each other around town all the time.  Especially at Cafe Rio or the mall.  She has styled people like David Archuleta and Carmen Rasmussen of American Idol fame, and has worked on catalog shoots for Lime Ricki.

Summer and a couple of her friends have started a new blog, and I'm so excited about it.  I have been trying to get her to blog for years.  Lunch Pails & Lipstick is awesome.  My favorite thing about it is that there are three friends contributing, and they all live in different parts of the country, with different life situations, so there's a great diversity of information.

Today there is a posting by Summer about her friend Lindsey's son's Pumpkin Patch Party.  Um... did you know that you can mail a pumpkin?  Check out what I mean by reading the post.  I'm totally thinking I'm going to do this to invite my family to Thanksgiving Dinner.  I love it.

Lunch Pails & Lipstick also has a Pinterest page that is just completely chalk full of radness. 

Like these cute Halloween ideas:

Don't take my word for it though.  Go check out Lunch Pails & Lipstick yourself.  You'll have a new style go-to.  Leave some love and tell Summer I sent you!

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