Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Obsession: Google Analytics

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Are any of you other Bloggers/Shop Owners as obsessed with Google Analytics as I am?  I admit... I check it every day.

So this evening when I noticed that my shop had some hits from a new source, I thought I should check it out.  It was a blog that  I do not advertise on... so I thought, Oh how nice!  She must have talked about my shop.

She did.  But it was not as nice as I had hoped.

It started out well, and at first I was really excited.  I mean the title was good:  The post about where I died and went to heaven

Wow, she must really like my calendars!

The beginning sounded great:
There is this lady, she started a business. A successful business. She MAKES CUSTOM PERSONALIZED CALENDERS. Like planners. Like just how you need then. And they're cute. And OH EM GEE I think I might die. Of course the OCD Type A in me was whipping out my debit card and ready to lay down the dineros for a personalized planner. How FREAKING PERFECT would this be?!?! 

Then I read the rest:
But, hold the phone Betty....48 bucks! And then I got a little sad. I refuse to pay $48 just on principle since I have a perfectly good planner right now that is pretty similar inside, just not decorated all pretty. And it's color coded. Yes, COLOR coded. Work days are in red pen, Colts games are in blue pen, birthdays are in black, payday is green, etc.

And then I started thinking of how I could decorate my already perfect on the inside calendar...

Now I am sad.  I guess she doesn't realize that handmade products are very difficult to make a profit on.  Or that we make these calendars from start to finish in my little office.  Or that at Staples you can pay $25 for a plain, plastic, cheap, ugly, non-personalized, horribly laid-out calendar.  Or that last year over 400 customers didn't think $48 was too much to pay.  Or that a local retail shop sells them for over $60... that would blow her mind!

They say any publicity is good publicity, right?  That is what I am going to tell myself tonight.


In case you don't look at comments, I woke up this morning to my husband cracking up at this one:

I'm so sad right now! This is totally NOT how I meant it to come across. The calendar is ABSOLUTELY worth the price. I meant, and maybe didn't come across as saying so well, that I refuse to spend money on a planner BECAUSE I have a perfectly good one I just filled out with all my information. Granted, it is in fact a generic one that I have ripped out pages and tabbed pages. It's still kind of messy and not perfect which is why the OCD in me screamed when I stumbled upon your site AHHH GOODNESS GRACIOUS I MUST HAVE!! But then frugal, single mamma on a budget in me went "hold on there crazy YOU HAVE A PLANNER".

I'm going to post a follow up on my blog explaining my foot in mouth (keyboard in mouth?) so to speak and you will be getting an order from me soon.

I'm so sorry!

He said to me, "Now you have had your first hater and your first blog war."

I informed him that this is not a blog war.
Just the opposite
I have a new friend now, same as with my "hater".

Welcome Jen... now I am going to give you a free calendar because I didn't mean to make you feel bad, and I certainly don't want people thinking we are in a blog war.

P.S.  I love people.  There was also a comment from Linsie of Munchkin Things and Strings saying that she was going to send me a credit towards Jen's purchase.  And she did.  Thank you for your generosity Linsie, but I will send it back since I am going to give Jen a free calendar.

P.P.S.  Don't go getting any ideas that if you blog a complaint about my shop I will send you a free calendar.  I'm not made of money here people!


  1. I'm so sad right now! This is totally NOT how I meant it to come across. The calendar is ABSOLUTELY worth the price. I meant, and maybe didn't come across as saying so well, that I refuse to spend money on a planner BECAUSE I have a perfectly good one I just filled out with all my information. Granted, it is in fact a generic one that I have ripped out pages and tabbed pages. It's still kind of messy and not perfect which is why the OCD in me screamed when I stumbled upon your site AHHH GOODNESS GRACIOUS I MUST HAVE!! But then frugal, single mamma on a budget in me went "hold on there crazy YOU HAVE A PLANNER".

    I'm going to post a follow up on my blog explaining my foot in mouth (keyboard in mouth?) so to speak and you will be getting an order from me soon.

    I'm so sorry!

  2. Aww! What a misfortune that the inability to show true expression through body language and facial expression during posting has caused. I know it's hard to have an opinion with out sounding as though you are trying to step on someone's toes or crush their ideas. I would have to say as a fellow crafter it is so difficult to figure pricing and some people really cheat themselves. I have learned quickly that the value of a homemade item is not just in the bells and whistles but also in the time and heart put in to it. If I can't afford something I LOVE I try to respectfully decline (tear) and attempt to make it myself. Otherwise I realize the time and aggravation of doing it myself is easier to let go of then my extra cash! LOL! Jen I don't think you should feel obligated to buy because of a misunderstanding but I do think if you have the extra cash you should feel obligated to reward yourself every so often. Single mom, you go pamper yourself with a fancy calendar if you want you deserve it! I'll even send Emmy a credit towards your new calendar!

  3. All I have to say is, whatever! She has no idea what she is talking about! And I am too obsessed with analytics- I check everyday! :) It's kinda fun!!!


  4. I am so gla it worked out for both of you. I hate how e-mails/comments can sometimes get taken in the wring directions.
    And I too love google analytics.

  5. I copied this from my blog comment in case you didn't see it:

    "Blog war? Silly. :)

    Please don't feel you need to send me the calendar for free. I absolutely want to pay for your hard work!!

    Of course I will take a picture of my color coded calendar and send it to you!

  6. isn't this hater #2? and you're 2 for 2 in working it all out in a respectful way ... you go girl!

  7. Didn't see the first comment- I am so glad y'all worked it out! :)

  8. awww... what i think is awesome is that she came back and corrected herself. what a great blogger.

  9. Enter the Black woman with attitude....OH WAIT - she apologized! SO GLAD casue...er... ummmm this sista was getting ready to go the **** off! I was furious when I read this. Im a single mom of 3 and as soon as I found your site I started planning an order. I pay over $100 every year for a dumb agenda from office depot - paleeez! But since she 360'd I wont go on....hee heee!

    I check Miss Google-Ann ;) like 100 times a day OMG Im totally obsessed! XO
