Thursday, July 1, 2010

Queen Bee Designs

If you didn't read my story about my friend Amanda from Queen Bee Designs, you should go read it now.  It's a fun one.

Look at all the beautiful things that Amanda creates:

Where do you live, and where are you from originally?
I live in sunny (and sweltering hot) Arizona. I was born in California in the city of Orange, but moved here when I was an infant. I grew up in Scottsdale and now live in a neighboring city.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family.
I am married to my best friend and highschool sweetheart, Eric. He is a Physical Therapist and I am currently a stay-at-home-mom/business owner/teacher working on recertification, etc . . . I wear many hats, to say the least. Don't we all? I was blessed with two little boys who are now 5 and 7 years old. They will both be in school full time this fall and I am both loving and dreading the thought of them being gone all day. I "ordered" boys years ago. Little girls scare me sometimes. ; )

When and why did you start your business?
I started my business after my husband bought me a piece of personalized jewelry. Everywhere I went, mommies were asking me where they could get one too and so the business was born. I did a lot of research, some trial and error, had my photos and ideas stolen from me and put on eBay by another preschool parent (yes, you read that right) and am still here. The best part about this job is the people I get to meet. I have truly made friends all over this country . . . and world.

 What is your biggest dream for your business?
My dream for my business is to simply have it grow. This year with both kiddos in school I will have more time to really dedicate to it. In the past I have been so busy with other things that I have had to "work the business" on the side. I would like to make QBDbyA more of a focus this fall.

Amanda donated this lovely Hand-Stamped Necklace:

She thought it went nicely with our theme of Adoption.  I agree.
This item can be found in the All Grown Up basket.

1 comment:

  1. Love her work! Saving my pennies so someday I can own my own QBDbA necklace! ;)

    Beautiful addition to the basket!
