Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rags to Stitches

I was at the park with one of my neighbors the other day and she had her daughter's infant car seat with her, with the Rags to Stitches Canopy Cover that I had given her on it.

She said people stop her all the time and ask her where she got it.

Alissa made it!  That's the answer.

My friend Alissa makes lots of cute stuff:

Here's what Alissa had to say about herself and her business:

Where do you live, and where are you from originally?
I was born in Hawaii and my family is Hawaiian Chinese, but from the time I was 5 till 18 I lived in Southeast Asia. It was a great experience. Currently I live in Costa Mesa, CA and I love it! My husband and I bought a house in March and it has truly been a blessing. I now have a large enclosed sun room that is half my children's play room and half my Rags to Stitches Boutique crafting area. Its great! 

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family.
I'm a WAHM of two wonderful children. Katelyn just turned 2 and Brayden is 7 months old. My husband Kyle and I met while I was in college and we've been married for 6 years this September. I love photography, being crafty, baking, play dates, and date nights with my husband.

When and why did you start your business?
I started my business, Rags to Stitches Boutique a year ago this July. I started it because so many of my friends and family kept asking me if I could make items for them that I had made for my son and daughter. My husband finally said, you should turn this into a small business and see where it goes. So we did! I never expected it to grow as fast as it has and look forward to seeing where it goes in the coming months.

 What is your favorite item that you sell?
Definitely my infant car seat canopy!

 What is your biggest dream for your business?
That my canopies would be sold in Norstrom!!!

Alissa donated a wipes case and burp cloth set ($30 value).  

This item can be found in the For the Kids basket.

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