Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ruby Red Studio

One of the advantages of living in the town that you grew up in is that from time to time you get to re-encounter childhood friends.
{This can also serve as a great disadvantage at times... especially in the case of ex-boyfriends.}

I recently reconnected with a friend from Junior High and High School youth group, Christina.

It turns out that we may be the same person.
We are alike in many ways.

Christina runs Ruby Red Studio.

I love her jewelry.

I also love her packaging.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family.
I have been married to my husband, John, for 7 years. We are total homebodies. We laugh a lot and find the same things endearing and sentimental and I love that. We met in really was the fated, "Sleepless In Seattle"-type meeting I'd always dreamed I'd have. God is so good; He really does put dreams in our hearts for a reason! I have three little ones: Gianna (4), Olivia (22 months) and Colton (3 months) and am a stay-at-home mom. I always knew I wanted to stay at home, from the time I was a little girl. Despite some very crazy days, I wouldn't trade staying at home with them for the world! When I manage a few minutes of free time, I enjoy baking, paper crafts and photography.

When and why did you start your business?
I started my business in December 2009. I really wanted a creative outlet, something that allowed me to help my family financially while giving others the chance to express sentiments that are near and dear to their hearts. Most of all, I wanted my business to be an expression of my love for God, my country and my home; a celebration of faith and family. In everything I do, I want to use my talents to honor Him.

 What is your biggest dream for your business?
I would love for my business to grow to the point that my girls and I could run it together one day, even expanding into other "domestic arts". I really admire how Margie Romney has incorporated her daughters into her business ( I would also be thrilled to bits if I could save enough to purchase a farm house or cottage somewhere  - a cozy, homey retreat where we could go as a family to take it easy, make some yummy food and a few memories, and embrace all that's important in life.

Christina has been wonderfully supportive since she found out about our adoption plans.

In the midst of her crazy busy life she has done something amazing for me.

First, she created this brand new piece for our raffle:

Then she made this incredibly generous offer:
For every one of these necklaces that she sells, she is going to donate $25 to our Adoption fund.

I am seriously amazed every day by the people in my life.
This item can be found in the All Grown Up basket.

1 comment:

  1. I could use that hope necklace immediately! I'm going to wear it everyday until my prayers are answered!
