Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Choose Joy Event

A few months ago {has it really been that long???} I told you about a new calling that I felt on my life.  {You can read about it here.}

Well I have been dying to share more details, but my life has been a tad bit hectic and I wanted to wait until I had some things in order. 

So I am so thrilled to finally tell you all about the Choose Joy Event: a one day, faith-based conference geared towards women who are experiencing infertility and/or have a desire to grow their family through adoption.

Can I just tell you something really quickly?  When God places a calling on your life, He is faithful to provide the tools to follow through with that calling.  

Within a couple of weeks of deciding to take on this event, I had women from all over the country committed to coming to California to speak at our conference.  Amazing women.  Women who could get paid big bucks to speak, but are coming for free because they believe in this event.

I know how lonely and painful the road of infertility can be.  It is my greatest desire that Choose Joy will be a place where women can feel understood, encouraged, and informed.

Since the day I started planning I have been praying for each woman that will attend this event.  I cannot wait to see how the Lord is going to change lives through the connections that are made on February 9th.

If you or anyone you know {and statistically speaking you should all know someone} is walking this path, would you please share the Choose Joy website with them? 

If you would like to get involved, there are details on the website about how you can help.

I can't wait to share more with you about how this event comes together.  I know there will be God-sized miracles happening along the way.


  1. This is going to be so amazing Emmy!! I love your heart and have been honored to have watch God bless you with an incredible story of his love and faithfulness and the adoption of baby P! Heart you friend!!

    1. Thank you Alissa! It's been quite a journey.

  2. I love you! I have always known beyond a shadow of a doubt that all the pain, suffering and seemingly-unanswered prayers was for something like this - something bigger than we could have imagined at the time and something that would bless others immensely. God is so good to fulfill purpose in our lives. He never fails. Booking a ticket for February 9th FOR SURE! Love you, love your story and love that you have a heart that wants to share it. So many women are going to be blessed by this!

  3. This is incredible! My great friend, Kathleen is speaking at the event! Wish I lived closer and could make it to the event! As someone who has struggled with infertility and adopted a child, I know this event will bring great encouragement to many women!

  4. I'm so proud of my little sis!! Keep listening to the Lord's leading and I will keep praying BIG and BOLD with you. I can't wait to be a part of this and I can't wait to see what the Lord will do! XOXO
