Monday, February 28, 2011

Help for the Miller Family

You all know that I am in the process of adopting a child.  You also may know that last summer I ran a raffle on my blog to raise money to pay our portion of the adoption costs that my oh-so-amazingly generous friend is not covering.  In one week we raised over $6,000, which will hopefully more than cover our costs.  We look forward to getting to pass on any unused portion to another family waiting to adopt.

A good friend of mine, Alissa from Rags to Stitches, was inspired by your generosity and has felt led to help some friends of her's, the Miller family, who are currently in the process of their second adoption.


Alissa's giveaway is going on all week long, so be sure to stop by Alissa's blog and check out the fantastic prizes that you could win, including a *fabulous calendar* from Much Ado About You, of course!

Just for a little added encouragement to participate in Alissa's giveaway, I have a super fantastic deal for you!

So here's the deal:

If you blog about Alissa's fundraiser, I will give you a $10 credit towards a Much Ado About You planner.
If you post about it on Facebook, I will give you a $5 credit towards a Much Ado About You planner.
If you tweet about it, I will give you a $5 credit towards a Much Ado About You planner.

If you do all three, you could get a planner for nearly half-price!

*You must include a link to Alissa's blog <> in your posting.*

Leave a comment here letting me know what you did, then email me a link to your blog posting and/or a screenshot of your Facebook or Twitter posting, and I will send you an email with instructions on how to use your credit.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dinner in for a Rainy Friday

It's raining here in Southern California.  And it's cold.  I realize that for those of you that live in the areas of the country that regularly see temperatures in the teens, 47 degrees may not seem cold.  But to a woman that was born and raised and still lives in Southern California... I'm freezing!

So what better than another Quick Fix Dinner Idea for a rainy Friday evening?

Today I am going to show you perhaps the quickest and easiest recipe I have:

Teriyaki Chicken and Noodles

What you will need:

Frozen Teriyaki Chicken from Costco
Egg Noodles
Parmesan Cheese
Lawry's Seasoning Salt

...that's it.

Boil water and add egg noodles.

Don't forget to add salt to your water.  You should always salt your pasta water, although I recently read somewhere {from a trusted source that I now cannot remember} that you should add it after you add the pasta.

Heat oil in a fry pan and add the frozen chicken.  {The box at Costco comes with the bags of chicken.  One is probably enough for two people... I always cook both.}

When the egg noodles are nearly finished your chicken should also be heated through.  Add the Teriyaki packets to the chicken pan.

Drain your noodles.  {I don't like to dirty extra dishes, so I don't bother with a strainer.}

Add butter,

Lots of parmesan,

and seasoning salt to the noodles.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Simple Quote

"If God was {small} enough for me to figure out, He wouldn't be {big} enough for me to worship."
JB Phillips

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Here it is!  My very first What I Wore Wednesday

White cotton top from Nordstrom {$38}
Pink Tank from Nordstrom BP {$14}
Jeans by CAbi {$98}
Pinstripe Slip-ons by Roxy {$38}

Green 3/4 Cardie from Nordstrom BP {$24}
White Tee from Nordstrom BP {$20}
Skinny Jeans by Vigoss {$58}
Scarf from Nordstrom BP {$18}
Frencchh Boots by Steve Madden {gift... retail for $149}

Black Long Sleeve Henley from Old Navy {too old to remember}
Plaid Top from Nordstrom BP {gift}
Skinny Jeans by Vigoss {$58}
Black Scarf from Nordstrom BP {$15}
Linderr Boots by Steve Madden {gift... retail for $199}

I am realizing two things from this posting: {1} I shop at Nordstrom a lot. and {2} I like Steve Madden and am ever so grateful that people know that and give me his shoes.

Now, at the risk of sounding incredibly hoaky, I must say that while I find fashion fun and a great creative outlet, I also realize that this is extremely superficial.  The most important accessory that I try to put on everyday is a smile {wow... that really sounds incredibly hoaky}.  I just think that nothing makes you look and feel better that a good attitude.  Some days I fail {Marlo, Jen and Donna would attest to the fact that yesterday was one of those days... I had a printer tantrum again}.  But some days, even when I am feeling sad or stressed or frustrated, I remember what it makes me feel like to see other people smiling, and it reminds me to put on my best accessory {yellowing teeth and all}.  And you know what... it makes me feel better.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No, I am Not a Stalker

Okay, well maybe just a little.

I recently revealed that I once met Justin Timberlake.  Now I will tell you the story of how that happened to occur.

So it was 2002.  Brooke's oldest was a baby, and I don't think I was pregnant yet.  *NSYNC was playing a concert that night at our local venue.

We happened to have a friend {who shall remain nameless} that was currently working at the Ritz Carlton and may have given us a little tip that a certain boy band might be staying at their hotel. 

So Brooke, her baby, her mom and I spent the rest of the day hanging out in the hotel lobby waiting for the boys to stroll through.  One at time, they began trickling through... Joey, that other one that no one remembers, and finally JT.

Somehow we talked Brooke into approaching him.  She asked if we could get a picture, and he said he couldn't do pictures, but he would sign anything we brought him.  Brooke came running back over to us and we madly sifted through our purses looking for things he could sign.  {No, we had not prepared ourselves for this little outing.}

As we walked back over to him the hotel staff approached us and very sternly scolded us, telling us we were not to bother their guests.  JT saw what was happening, said it was fine, and waved us over. 

He was super nice, way taller than I expected, and even more handsome.

Turns out that was the day that it hit the news that he and Brittany had broken up.  Had I known when we were talking, I would have offered a shoulder to cry on or something. 

I just remembered a funny thing that happened that night at the concert.  {Yes, I went to the concert.  I am that girl.}  I was sitting with my friend Kailynn, and we had pretty good seats.  We were just a few rows back from the stage.  To our right, there was a couple sitting in the front row of the side seats.  A few people started to approach them and we realized it was Corey Feldman and his wife.  Then we heard the girls next to us say, "Who's Corey Feldman?" in their very best valley girl accents.

It was at the moment that we realized that we were too old to be at an *NSYNC concert.  My stalking days were over. 

I have lots of other embarrassing celebrity sightings {I do live in Southern California} that I will tell you about someday.

Friday, February 18, 2011

8 Random Things

I was going to tell you 10 random things about myself this morning, but I have only come up with 8 and I have to leave to go take my niece to her My Gym class.

So here are 8 Random Things:

1.  I am 33 years old and if I stopped dying my hair it would be mostly grey.  I'm not kidding.

2.  I hate the color purple, but I wear it a lot.  I think purple looks nice on brunettes with brown eyes.

3.  Even though I do not have any fallopian tubes and I am on birth control, last week I actually thought I might be pregnant because my belly was so big.  In actuality, I think that the late night Doritos and candy for breakfast are catching up with me.

4.  I hated my wedding dress.  The night that I went for my final fitting I cried and my sister {who may be the nicest person on the planet} yelled at the Seamstress because she was only making matters worse.

5.  Two and a half years ago I woke up from surgery to be told that my doctor had to remove both of my fallopian tubes.  That night I was in my bed puking from the anesthesia and super sad that any chance of a natural pregnancy was now permanently removed, but I had my husband and my two best friends with me, and it is actually one of my fondest memories.  It was a moment in time that I will never forget.

6.  I keep telling Nathan that when we are exorbitantly wealthy I want him to surprise me by having Candace Olsen come and decorate my entire house.  He says he's sure she's not busy because Full House ended a long time ago.  I tell him that he is thinking of Candace Cameron and Ashley & Mary Kate Olsen, but I am talking about Candace Olsen.  We have had this same conversation multiple times.

7.  When I was in Junior High, my mom and sister won a contest to have a date with a Soap Opera star, Matthew Ashford who played Jack on Days of our Lives.  They had such a great time on the date, that we were all invited to come to a taping on the closed set of the show.  So I have been to Salem.

8.  My very first job was passing out balloons as the Easter Bunny at our local Hallmark Store.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Heart my Mom

I am so excited to share something with you all! 

But first let me tell you that I happen to have the most incredible mom on the planet {sorry... mine's the best}.  I am extremely grateful for such an amazing relationship with my mom, and I can truly say that it is the most easy relationship that I have.  My mom and I are very similar, except that she is not at all controlling {which is probably why our relationship works}.  She is my cheerleader, my encourager, my counselor, my mentor, and my friend.

A couple of years ago my mom decided that she wanted to start a daily devotional with my sister and myself that we could do by email, as a way of connecting each morning around God's word.  We started out going through the New Testament.  Along the way several friends and family members joined us, each morning being encouraged by my mother's thoughtful responses to what we were reading.  Last year we went through Psalms.  This year we have begun to sift through my favorite chapter of the bible, Genesis

Have you ever read Genesis?  It is the best book!  Anyone that thinks that the bible is boring should check out Genesis!  It's better than any daytime soap opera.  There is mystery, intrigue, murder, infidelity, infertility, consequences, wrath, revenge... it's fascinating!

Anywho... last year for Mother's Day my sister and her husband bought my mom a domain, and tried to get her started blogging her daily messages.  She hesitated.  We all encouraged her because there were so many people joining our study everyday, it would be much easier for others to share this experience with their friends if they just had a website to log on to.  She hesitated some more.  We explained that this was not to bring her glory, but to share this amazing journey with even more women.  She still hesitated.

Last week I finally had some free time on my hands, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I went back through all the emails she has sent out since the beginning of the year {since we stared Genesis}, and posted them to her blog.  I then contacted my friends at Designer Blogs and ordered a darling little layout to make things pretty.  Then came the challenging part... I had to teach my mom how to blog.  Eek!

The good news is that she is figuring it out.

Please check out her blog meet Me in the morning.  {The capital M in Me is for God, not my mom... just to clarify.}

My mom does not believe that anyone would want to follow along as some old lady babbles about the bible, so let's show her!  {She is not old, by the way, although she would love to tell you a story about how I recently called her old.  She tells everyone that story.}

Please become a follower and join us on this journey.  I have so enjoyed reading her messages each morning, and I know you will too.  I do it while I dry my hair {I have just enough time to read her message and Lysa TerKeurst's blog, and catch up on the world with my FoxNews ap}.  I have already studied Genesis at length, {I went through Beth Moore's The Patriarchs study twice... another one I highly recommend}, but I am learning all sorts of amazing and interesting facts about our God and our heritage each day. 

If you have never read Genesis, this is a great excuse.  If you have never read the bible, what better place to start than in the beginning???  You can start with the very beginning {her first blog post} or you can join us where we are today {Genesis 9}.

Tell your friends.

Get your bibles.

Come meet us all in the morning!

WIWW... I'm Trying!

Okay, so in my quest to be a more professional blogger I have decided that I should try my hand at What I Wore Wednesdays.  I have been trying really hard to remember to take photos of my outfits {thank goodness for my own personal 7-year-old photographer}, but now my camera is at my sister's house with all those silly photos on it.

So for this Wednesday I thought we could have What Kelly Wore Wednesday {which is much more interesting anyway, let's be honest}.

Donna and I recently found Kelly's Fashion Finder on Live with Regis and Kelly's website.  Every day after the show Kelly records a little video in her dressing where she talks about what she wore on the show that day.  Oh my goodness... we are kind of obsessed with it!  I was trying to find out where Kelly got an amazing cashmere and sequined sweater, and Donna wanted a to-die-for dress.  Too bad one pair of her shoes is worth more than an entire week of my outfits.  Oh well... a girl can dream, can't she???

Anyway, you must check it out.  Be inspired.  Maybe next Wednesday I will have my act together for my own WIWW.  Maybe.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Quiz Fun

Okay, so you people do like quizzes.  I knew it!

Thanks so much for taking the time to enter my fun little contest.  I had so much fun reading all of your responses!

Before I get to my answers {and the winner, in case anyone is interested in that}, I have a few comments:

1.  You all get ready super fast!  I am feeling extremely high maintenance after reading your responses {although, let's be honest... that is no surprise}.

2.  To Pinkdaisyjane who said of what famous person would you most like to be friends with? "Famous is in the eye of the beholder; I'd say, Beth Moore or Lysa TerKeurst":  I couldn't agree more!  I have had the privilege of hanging out with Lysa for a weekend and I can say that if I lived in NC I would stalk her until she let me be her BFF!  {Oh, and now I am dying to know what DEAD famous people you are related to!}

3.  To Deborah West who said of are you related to anyone famous?  Who? "My mawmaw's 2nd cousin, Henry, was Bonnie & Clyde's get-away driver. Does that count? ;)":  Yes that counts!  And I think that is my favorite response to this question.

4.  To Mego:  Move to Ladera Ranch.  We only have to call 911 when there are homeless people in the parking lot {at least... that's when Jen tries to get me to call 911}.

5.  To Amy:  I got to meet the Pioneer Woman at The Creative Connection Event last fall and I am pleased to say that she was as sweet and funny as I had hoped she would be!

6.  To Amanda who said of ever dialed 911?:  "Yes, one time my Dad was outside dumping ash from our coal stove and a half naked woman came out of the woods in the Dead of winter... she escaped from somewhere... pretty scary and weird!":  Um, excuse me???  I think we need more details to that story!  What the heck???

7.  To Leslieannabanana:  I have a friend whose husband is Kevin Costner's cousin, so what does that make you two?  Funny how small this world is.

8.  To Jenni:  You are speaking my language with the OTH reference!  Have you seen this posting?

9.  To TannersMomandDad:  I met Justin Timberlake once.  It's kind of a funny story that maybe I will tell here another day, but let me just say he was extremely nice, way taller than I expected, and hot.  But that's not a surprise.

Okay, now for my answers:

1.  What's the farthest place you have ever traveled?
Tahiti: for our honeymoon
2.  Would you rather lick the bowl of chocolate brownie batter or cookie dough?
Hmm.. tough choice, but I think I will go with cookie dough.  But, like Stephanie Lynne I don't really love cookies... I much prefer the dough.
3.  Ever been bitten by an animal?  What kind?
I was stung twice by a wasp that flew up my pants a couple of summers ago.  I also was bit by our ferocious desert tortoise, Lightning  when I was little.  {He was really just going for the lettuce and my finger got in the way.}
4.  Ever ride a motorcycle?
Twice, both times as a passenger, and both times with one of my husband's best friends.  One of those times was on a 20 mile freeway ride to work... I wasn't too happy with the resulting helmet head at the office!
5.  How many {if any} times have you been in a wedding?
2x as a Flower Girl, 1x as a Bridesmaid, 2x as a Matron of Honor, and 1x as a Bride
6.  What famous person would you most like to be friends with?
There's a few: Jimmy Fallon, Adam Sandler, George Bush, Ellen DeGeneres and Jennifer Aniston are my top choices
7.  Ever dialed 911?
Three times in college.  Once when a super creepy guy was trying to get into our dorm room {and subsequently broke into another girl's room and tried to assault her}, once when my BFF's boyfriend was threatening to commit suicide, and once when a there was a car wreck just outside our house.
8.  Are you related to anyone famous?  Who?
 Well, my grandma was a movie star signed with Warner Bros. Studios, but I use the term "star" loosely.  She made several movies, a couple of which she starred in, one that was named "Playgirl" but was not that kind of movie, and none of which you would know.
9.  What are two things you are wearing right now and where did you get them?
My Steve Madden boots that I wear most days and my super cozy tan sweater from Gap.
10.  How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
 Okay... confession time: I am high maintenance.  Oh wait... have I mentioned that already?  This is not a simple question for me to answer because it ranges depending on a variety of factors like whether I am straightening my hair, shaving my legs, or ironing my clothes.  First let me say that I always shower in the morning.  Always.  And I always put on makeup.  Always.  All that said, and long story short {I know, too late}, anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

And now for the winner! helped me choose Al, who answered:

1. What's the farthest place you have ever traveled? St. Thomas in the Caribbean
2. Would you rather lick the bowl of chocolate brownie batter or cookie dough? Well I wouldn't discriminate against the cookie dough if it was forced on me, but my preference would be brownies. YUM
3. Ever been bitten by an animal? What kind? A cat. My big fatty cat, 15lbs, bites my head if he doesn't like me sitting in front of him on the couch
4. Ever ride a motorcycle? Does sitting on one count?
5. How many {if any} times have you been in a wedding? 2, including my own.
6. What famous person would you most like to be friends with? Patrick Dempsey, he seems like a cool, regular dude.
7. Ever dialed 911? No
8. Are you related to anyone famous? Who? Nope
9. What are two things you are wearing right now and where did you get them? My tan chords from American Eagle, a pink t-shirt also from American Eagle -- wow sounds like that's the only place I shop
10. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Hair wash day 45 minutes, no hair wash 30 minutes 

Thanks Al!  I will be contacting you shortly about your journal.  And thanks to everyone who participated.  I had so much fun with this... I think we will have to have another quiz day very soon.  :) 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Flashback Friday

Don't forget to submit your Getting to Know You quiz answers and enter to win a FREE Personalized Journal.  

Okay, I have never done a Flashback Friday before, but I happened to come across this photo this morning, and I just couldn't resist sharing it with you.

This is why I am totally okay with not ever being pregnant again:

 {Disclaimer:  This photo was not doctored in any way.}

 This was me, two days before Beau was born.  If you can believe it... I have very few stretch marks, and they are only just around my belly.

I am more and more excited about adoption every day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting to Know You

I was going pee-pee today in our guest bathroom {too much info? sorry}, and I noticed a book on our shelf, "Coke or Pepsi?"  It's a silly little book of quizzes that I'm pretty sure is meant for junior highers, that I am pretty sure I probably bought for Jen's daughter but never gave her.

Remember when you were in junior high and you got so excited when the new issue of Seventeen magazine came out and you couldn't wait to flip to the quiz about Does He Really Like You? or Who Would be your Celebrity Boyfriend? 

Nope?  Don't remember that?  None of you loved those quizzes as much as I did?

Well, just in case there are some other quiz lovers out there... it's quiz time on Confessions of a Paper Freak!

Everyone that comments with their answers will be  
entered to win a Personalized Journal 
from my shop:

Here's the game:

Comment below.  Be sure to include your email address and your answers to every question.

All entries must be received by midnight PST on Sunday, February 13th.

Monday morning, February 14th {ohh... that's Valentine's Day} I will choose a winner. 

Okay... here we go:

Getting to Know You 

1.  What's the farthest place you have ever traveled?
2.  Would you rather lick the bowl of chocolate brownie batter or cookie dough?
3.  Ever been bitten by an animal?  What kind?
4.  Ever ride a motorcycle?
5.  How many {if any} times have you been in a wedding?
6.  What famous person would you most like to be friends with?
7.  Ever dialed 911?
8.  Are you related to anyone famous?  Who?
9.  What are two things you are wearing right now and where did you get them?
10.  How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

I'll tell you my answers on Monday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An Idiot Abroad

Have you seen this show?

Okay, so here's the set up.  Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant {brilliant co-creators of The Office} decided to send their uncultured friend Karl Pilkington to visit the 7 Wonders of the World.  Only they have several tricks up their sleeves.  Ricky Gervais calls it "the most expensive practical joke I've ever done."

It is a comedy of errors, with this poor bloke {I use the term bloke because he's British, and it seems appropriate} experiencing several not-so-pleasant surprises that his friends have prepared for him.  Like a mock kidnapping in Israel, a "Honeymoon Suite" in the slums of India, and a toad "feast" along the Great Wall of China.

Nathan and I watched a marathon the other night, and were cracking up {at the parts that we understood... he's British after all}. 

At the end of one episode, sweet Karl said something that I found extremely profound and interesting.  He said, "I would rather live in a hole with a view of the palace, than live in the palace with a view of a hole."

It made me think... how often do we sit in our holes dreaming and pining for the palace?

We sit in our debt, and yearn to be wealthy.
We sit in the pain of our losses, and envy our friends' successes.
We sit in our infertility, and think of what it would be like to have a baby.

But the reality of what is in the palace is never the perception.  It is all a matter of perspective.

Several years ago, when I was in one of the darkest moments of my struggle to have another baby, I have to admit... I was sitting in my hole, absolutely craving to be in that palace.  I was angry with God, feeling unloved and forgotten.  I knew Psalm 37:4 which says, "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart."  So why wasn't I getting my baby?

About that time I came across a commentary on this passage.  I don't even remember where it came from or how i found it, but clearly it was divine intervention

It explained how often this passage is taken out of context.  The reality is that if we are truly delighting in the Lord, then the desire of our heart will be God.  Period

I realized in that moment that I had to make a decision: did I want a baby, or did I want God?  Could I have a baby, if it meant choosing my plan over God's?  Was I really that arrogant that I would presume to have a better plan than God did?

If I am being honest, for a moment {and by moment, I mean a season of my life} I thought I did.

But as I sat in my hole I began to realize that the palace I was staring at was actually just blocking my view of the majestic kingdom just beyond it.  I was so focused on getting my way, that I was missing God's glorious richness in my life.

The hardest thing I ever had to do was tell God that I chose Him.  It was terrifying.  I was so afraid that if I chose Him, it meant that I would most certainly never have another child.  But in the end I realized that God's plan is the very best for my life, and the harder I pushed against it, the more painful my life would become.

So I gave it over.  I handed my life to the Lord.  I told Him that I would love him even if I never had another baby.  I learned to trust Him.  And then I sat in peace, truly content that my family of three was permanent.

I have said many times that infertility is the best and the worst thing that has ever happened to me.  It has been painful and frustrating, and to be honest, just downright sucked.  But in the end, it brought me to a place of complete brokenness and willingness to wholly trust God and His plan for my life and my family.

I no longer live in fear of what may or may not happen in my life, because I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Today I am sitting in my hole, content and satisfied, staring at that beautiful Adoption Agency that God built in front of the palace.  I have a different perspective.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You Asked for It

If there are any new visitors to my blog today, I should start by telling you that this is not a blog about food.  You might look at my last three postings {or my belly} and think that it is, but I assure you that there is much more to this blog than food. 

That said, I had an amazing response to Friday's Quick Fix Dinner idea, and some of you even asked for more.  Your wish is my command.

Today I will introduce you to my world famous {well, its famous in my world} Roast Beef Sandwich.

This sandwich was inspired by a sandwich that my husband loved from Mustard Cafe in Newport Beach, but it started at Costco.

A couple of years ago we were at Costco picking up some last minute items for the 4th of July.  As usual, we were taking our time enjoying the tastings spread. 

That is when I discovered Rosemary Olive Oil bread.  Can you say Y-U-M-M-Y, yummy? 

I grabbed a few other ingredients, and threw together this sandwich.  It was a big hit at our friends' 4th of July party that day.  It has been a big hit ever since.

So here's how you can make it too {and be a big hit with your family}.

You will need:

Rosemary Olive Oil Bread
{I get a two loaf pack at Costco, but I have seen loaves of very similar bread in the bakery section of my grocery store}
Roast Beef
{because a sandwich is naked without mayonaise... and don't try to use any of that fat free crap}
Roasted Red Bell Peppers
{you could roast them yourself, but this is supposed to be quick... I buy mine in a jar}

I also highly recommend Chipotle Mayo if you want a little kick.  If you don't have any on hand you can use add a little chipotle powder to regular Mayo.  Same dif.

Now this is not Rocket Science ladies.  The only dishes that are required are a cutting board and a knife.  Use paper plates.  Make this a truly Quick Fix.

Slice the bread.

Spread the mayo.

Add the cheese, arugula, and roasted red peppers and roast beef.

Cut in half and serve.

Oh, and serve with Kettle Chips.  That is a very important detail.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Epicness of Superbowl Sunday

Every time I go to an event where there are a lot of bloggers there, I always feel like such an amateur.  The serious bloggers have their camera with them and snap pictures everywhere they go.  I am usually lucky if I remember that I can take photos with my iPhone.  I always forget.

But I am getting better.  Yesterday is proof.

So, YAY, the Packers won the Superbowl... Greenbay victory... yada, yada, yada... let's talk about what really matters:  the epic food.

We ate like absolute champions yesterday.  It was the most gluttonous, amazing, ridiculous display of food for 13 people that you have ever seen.  It even included boats.

And that is not including the hamburgers we ate for dinner.  Yes, we thought we needed dinner.  We thought wrong

This is my handsome husband who made the delicious, albeit unnecessary hamburgers.

I will pay for this day all week.  But it was worth. every. minute. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Quick Fix Dinner

Recently I have been trying to come up with some Quick Fix meal ideas to have in my arsenal for after the baby comes.  I love to cook, but the reality of my life is that I don't always have time to make a meal from scratch.

Last night I made one of our family's current favorites, and I thought I would share it with you.

This meal is about 90% store made, so it's even more semi-homemade than Sandra Lee.

Here's what you need:


Fresh Pasta

{I use two packages of Butoni Wild Mushroom Angolotti and one Butoni Three Cheese Tortellini, which is enough for the three of us plus leftovers}
A Jar of Sauce
{I use Classico Vodka Sauce}
Red Bell Pepper
Shaved Parmesan Cheese
Vegetable Oil

Put a pot on to boil for the pasta.

{Please ignore my streaky pot... I don't hand dry people.}

Chop up the zuccini.

Remove the seeds from the pepper.

Cut the pepper into long thin strips, then half the strips.

I buy pre-washed, pre-cut mushrooms {because it is much easier}, but if you want to do it yourself... good for you!

Heat up some vegetable oil in a saute pan {I use my wok because I like it better}.

When the water is boiling, add the tortellini first because it takes a couple of minutes longer to cook than the angolotti does.

Start sauteing the vegetables.

After a couple of minutes, add the angolotti to the pot.

Continue to stir the vegies while the pasta finishes cooking.

In another pot, heat up the jar of sauce.

When the pasta is done {which should be about 7 minutes after you started the tortellini}, spoon it into the pan with the vegies.  I use a slotted spoon, but don't worry if you get a little bit of the starchy water in the pan... it will just loosen your sauce a little, which is fine.

Add the sauce to the pan.

Spoon a serving onto each plate.

Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top of the pasta.


P.S.  My absolute least favorite thing about Blogger is that it is impossible to space photos correctly, so please excuse the inconsistent spacing on this posting.  Ugh!

P.P.S.  I think my son is going to be a Photographer when he grows up.  Seriously.  He took every single one of these pictures.